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5 Things to Give Up to Be Happy

Author: Time:2021-12-0236 second

Information summary:  5 Things to Give Up to Be Happy When we think about how to create more happiness, we typically look for things to achieve and add to our lives. However, somet...., brazilian real, aquarium man, koi为什么那么贵.5 Things to Give Up to Be Happy

  5 Things to Give Up to Be Happy
When we think about how to create more happiness, we typically look for things to achieve and add to our lives. However, sometimes the key to happiness is actually giving up certain perspectives and behaviors. Here are a few things to give up in order to become happier individuals.
Give up the habit of blaming. Blame is a scapegoat for taking responsibility of your own outcome. It is a lot easier to point the finger at someone or something else instead of looking within. Blame is not constructive. It does not help you or the other person -- nobody wins in the blame game. The amount of energy and stress it takes to blame just takes away from you moving forward and finding a solution.
Give up your need to impress. When you accept who you are, and you embrace your quirks, flaws, strengths and vulnerability, you get a lot more comfortable in your own skin. And when youre confident, you stop caring so much about what everyone thinks of you. You stop worrying if someone will like you or not, because deep down you know that the people who falsely judge you dont matter in your life.
Give up being a victim. The perspective that you are just the result of all external variables deflects responsibility for taking control over your own life. It is unfortunate that sometimes bad things happen to the best of people. Life can be unfair, unkind and unjust. However, being stuck in a victim mentality does not nurture your ability to move forward and onward.
Give up feeling entitled. Nobody owes you anything. NOBODY. When you approach life with the perspective that you are owed things, its likely that you will find yourself disappointed time and time again. When you are grateful for what you have, and see positive things as bonuses versus owed expectations, you will be surprisingly pleased.
Give up pretending. In a society where we are rewarded for perfection, we are constantly role playing. We try to show the world that we are flawless human beings in hopes that we will be liked and accepted. But the beauty of us lies in our vulnerability, our love, our deep, complex emotions... our humanness. When we embrace who we are and decide to be authentic instead of perfect, we open ourselves up to have true connection with others. There is no need to put on a show. There is no need to pretend to be something or someone that you are not. You are perfect the way you are.
Good read!!
>It is easier to read then ACT. Is being Happy really that diffcuilt?
>why bo Give Up Greed?
>Originally Posted by chris It is easier to read then ACT. Is being Happy really that diffcuilt? Hahahaha that why MB so happy when he go to your place with a net, hehehehe just scoop what he want. Hehehehe.
>Originally Posted by GIN Hahahaha that why MB so happy when he go to your place with a net, hehehehe just scoop what he want. Hehehehe. Well...I should be the Happy soon cos Im on the way of giving up fish keeping.
>Originally Posted by dawlyn why bo Give Up Greed? hahaha... good 1, bro ! this is 1 of the main factors that cause a person feeling down. 知足常乐.
>Originally Posted by thomas 知足常乐. i dont know about others, for me i really feel must be 知足常乐, be contended, appreciate what we have.......i see many who fought really hard for promotion, if cant get promoted then quitted the job and go elsewhere then at new place work few months only become jobless.
Also i saw some whom won a few thousands of dollars liao, keep placing big bets, hoping to win in tenth of thousands, at the end see him / her sitting at a corner after lost till kor-lone-song and gone-gone watching ceiling.
too many incidents i had saw, and i realize that we must not be greedy and happy will come automatically.
>Originally Posted by dawlyn i dont know about others, for me i really feel must be 知足常乐, be contended, appreciate what we have.......i see many who fought really hard for promotion, if cant get promoted then quitted the job and go elsewhere then at new place work few months only become jobless.
Life will be a lot easier if you view promotion as a by-product and just concentrate on job so as to enjoy it and be able to contribute and add value to the company.
If you are good and of value to the company, naturally the boss will promote you even without you asking for it.
>Originally Posted by neosh Life will be a lot easier if you view promotion as a by-product and just concentrate on job so as to enjoy it and be able to contribute and add value to the company.
If you are good and of value to the company, naturally the boss will promote you even without you asking for it. whether you contribute and added value or not, sometimes it depends on the game, you maybe good employee + no trouble maker + and got initiatives + many good characrters, but on the other sides there are colleagues whom are really see-no-open, they backmouthed you, they did the boot-licking which you didnt, end of the day you still loss out.
so, as a matter of fact, view promotion as a by-product = yes! Because for me, so long as i got my pay at month-end and do my job well, promotion or not doesnt matter to me so much, because if i get promoted ive got more responsibility, not my piece of cake......i just want to work and got my monthly salary and can spend time with my family i am very happy liao. 知足常乐
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