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Novice Yang Luo asks God to help

Author: Time:2021-12-1543 second

Information summary:  This is the first time I have raised arhat fish, and I like it very much. I bought a 10CM luck training hand. I have been home for three days. I havent been f...., golden arowana sandalwood, golden shower.Novice Yang Luo asks God to help

  This is the first time I have raised arhat fish, and I like it very much. I bought a 10CM luck training hand. I have been home for three days. I havent been fed. Its getting darker and darker. Im afraid of people. Please help me to see what to do.Its fart, thank you.
========Comments of Xianglong aquarium joining Yuyou =====
zhangp_1981 Comment: This state is not good
doublebbs comment: caused by excessive shock, just a few days later.It will be faster if you play with it in the mirror.
E fish E clan comment: Luo is rarely retreat, if the child is noisy, there is no way
294548935 Comment: Its a little bad.Was it frightened?Seal the jar with newspaper.Observe for two days to see if you can recover.Otherwise, it should be sick
Happy Valley Swing Comments: Those who just came back must adapt to the environment first, rest is the most important, the state is too bad
Luohan Baby Comment: Luo is in a bad state
There are children in the family, please tell the baby not to scare Luo
Fish needs time to recover from home
Try not to startle the fish
Xiaoyuer--Grow up. Comment: Dont worry, rest for a while, it will be good. If you are familiar, you will be active.
XH Red Dragon Fish Comment: If you stop eating and rest, you will be fine.
Big Husband Comment: Try some sand
Ouye Yuanbao Comment: Excessive shock, direct blackgml red arowanasharing a pa of xbelly redPhoenix Arowana.Jinbozi and Lanyu polyculture%Mixed fish and shrimp~Spitfire fish polyculture$Polygonum sylvestris@White spots on guppies"There are red spots on the guppyWhat kind of fish can be mixed with light fish# Murmansk FishNovice Yang Luo asks God to help?