Nakhon Nayok6 My High Back Golden Arowana
My High Back Golden Arowana
Hey All,Im new to AFT,I used to be on MFK.It is a good forum but 80% of the members dint have Asian Arowanas.This Forum has a lot of Asian Arowana Owners
Well As the title says I personally own a High Back golden Arowana.I re-sell arowanas as a hobby so will be uploading pic of them when i get it.
My HB is undergoing WTT plan to keep it till 12" or 14" then shift it to a black tank.As for the tank does it look good enough for WTT?
First of all, welcome bro
Your tank is definitely too small to keep your HB till 12" or 14", try to get a bigger tank with white oyama pasted all rounded or FGT if you intend to undergo WTT.
Just my humble opinion, no obligation.
>Originally Posted by situs-sk2 First of all, welcome bro
Your tank is definitely too small to keep your HB till 12" or 14", try to get a bigger tank with white oyama pasted all rounded or FGT if you intend to undergo WTT.
Just my humble opinion, no obligation. The tank I dont plan on keeping it on that tank till 12" this is just for 2 months then it goes to a 3 feet tank,Good enough as in does it suit the conditions required for WTT.
I keep the light on for 8-10 hours,is it sufficient? Ill read up on Oyama,I currently use white chart papper
I will never take anything as a harsh obligation,I asked for guidance
>Many hobbyists possess different perceptions on WTT, some may turn on intensive lighting T5/T8/T9/PLC for 8 - 10hrs daily as per what you are doing currently.
I have visited many fish farm and been told and seen that they are using normal fluorescent white light and turn on 24/7 throughout on the XB but not really on HB or RTG.
Bro, what is your intention to undergo WTT on a HB?
If your expectation of tanning of a HB to bring out its potential shine is still possible but don’t expect the high shine will sustain for long when you transfer back to black/blue tank.
>To be Honest I dint want to do WTT,I am not a farm owner or A shopkeeper to see immediate shine.There is a guy on MFK goes by the name "nid" who says that if you dont do WTT on your Arowana its a waste and its full potential wont be reached.I know whatever happens A HB cant turn into a Xback.
When shifted to a black tank its shine will drop right?So then,WTT is really a waste
>My newbie suggestion is to just transfer your aro to the 3ft tank and let it settle down there rather than having it to shift here and there later on.
WTT is personal hobbyist option. For a duration of 2months, plus the type of lighting and number of hours in a seemingly cramped area, i think its going to stress the aro more. Perhaps if the genes are good, maybe you can get speckles of gold on the 5th level or even some pearlie.
For me personally, id rather focus on the growth and gold intensity. Just my opinion.
>Gold intensity is also what im interested is developing...I think Ill stop WTT but still keep the lights on for 8 hours.Thats what Koji does
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